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Keynote Address 8

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
2:05 PM - 2:50 PM
Grand Ballroom 1/2/3/4


Agenda Item Image
Dr Marianne Jauncey
Medical Director
Uniting Medically Supervised Injecting Centre

Keynote Address 8 - If not us, who?



Marianne Jauncey began her work in the AOD field at the Kirketon Road Centre in 1998. She has often described answering the ad for a doctor where a ‘flexible and eclectic approach’ was needed, and being mistaken for a client on her first visit to the Centre. But clearly these early formative years were transformative, surrounded by such a dedicated and committed staff team at KRC and under the tutelage of another APSAD warrier, Dr Ingrid van Beek. Marianne went on to do a Masters in Public health, complete a training program within NSW health for public health officers specialising in drug and alcohol, and then become a public health physician. She filled in as the temporary Medical Director of the Supervised Injecting Centre in 2005 when Ingrid went on (well deserved) long service leave – and Marianne then had a political baptism of fire with the Premier of the State resigning resulting in a new Health Minister as well as new Premier, the Leader of the Opposition suddenly leaving politics also and his replacement making the first policy announcement being that if elected he would close the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, and A Current Affair airing a program that accused injecting centre staff of being drug dealers. Hereafter she considered an alternate career plan in academia, but some years later when Ingrid was ready to leave MSIC for good, Marianne went on to become the Centre’s second Medical Director.

Chair Person

Suzie Hudson
Clinical Director
Network Of Alcohol And Other Drugs Agencies (nada)

