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Keynote Address 3

Monday, November 13, 2017
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Grand Ballroom 1/2/3/4


Prof Emmanuel Kuntsche
Director of CAPR
La Trobe University

Keynote Address 3: Cognitive Origins of Alcohol Use


Speaker Presentation


Dr. Emmanuel Kuntsche has been trained in Psychology (University of Jena, Germany), Sociology (University of Jena, Germany), Psychiatry (Clinique de la Borde, France, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and University of Bamberg, Germany), Public Health (University of Maastricht, the Netherlands) and Statistics (University of Essex, UK). He is currently working as a Senior Researcher at Addiction Switzerland, an NGO located in Lausanne, Switzerland, as an Associate Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and as a Honorary Professor at the Institute of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. He recently accepted becoming a Full Professor of Public Health at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and the Director of the Center for Alcohol Policy Research (taking over from Prof. Robin Room) from August 1, 2017, on. Dr. E. Kuntsche has published more than 300 scientific articles, book chapters, and research reports (more than 100 in the last five years) and has contributed to more than 190 scientific meetings (67 times as invited/keynote speaker). He has had editorial appointments at five international journals (currently Addiction and Drug and Alcohol Review).

Chair Person

Rebecca Jenkinson

