Bookmark this website – it will be updated as more information regarding speakers and program becomes available.
The Paediatric HIV Special Theme Day stems from a long-standing history of Paediatric HIV Updates, co-ordinated by the Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick HIV Service, that brings together Paediatric HIV clinicians, allied health and policy makers across Australia and New Zealand for over 20 years. By joining forces with ASHM, a new and exciting platform for discourse for paediatric HIV health care providers across Australasia will be established.
Using ASHM’s expertise and international recognition in conference hosting, this new platform will increase the domestic and international reach of the paediatric conference, as well as harmonise the HIV clinical and research workforce for children and adults living with HIV.
The Paediatric HIV Special Theme Day will involve both domestic and international speakers, with a focus on the following themes:
Up-to-date antiretroviral therapy regimens and monitoring strategies for children and adolescents living with HIV
The latest data on prevention of mother-to-child transmission and
HIV models of care throughout Asia-Pacific
Direct acting antiviral regimens revolutionising hepatitis C management
Psychosocial wellbeing for children, adolescents and families living with HIV or viral hepatitis
In addition, there will be one session dedicated to hepatitis C management in children. Direct acting antiviral regimens have revolutionised hepatitis C treatment, which is being gradually rolled out in paediatric populations. This represents an exciting time for clinicians managing children and adolescents with hepatitis C, with cure becoming a realistic possibility. Currently there are no dedicated conferences for paediatric viral hepatitis in Australia or New Zealand, and this special theme day will pave the way for clinicians and researchers in paediatric viral hepatitis to share the latest knowledge and experience in managing children and adolescents with hepatitis C.
Conference Secretariat
ASHM Conference & Events Division
Level 3, 160 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
ASHM Conference & Events Division is an independent division within the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM), specifically established to support the medical, health and scientific sectors via the delivery of professional, memorable, and successful conferences and events.
For more information about the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) please visit
To find out how we can help with your conferences and Events contact us at +61 2 8204 0770 or email