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Poster Tour Session 01

Friday, August 2, 2024
10:50 AM - 11:20 AM
Poster Boards: 10-13


VH2024 Conference

Welcome & Introduction

10:50 AM - 10:55 AM


Miss Shannon Christensen
Research Assistant
Burnet Institute

Peer worker experiences of workplace stigma and discrimination: a scoping review

10:55 AM - 11:00 AM

Abstract (.pdf)

Digital Poster (pdf.)


Shannon is a Research Assistant at Burnet Institute. Her primary work is within the Health Promotion and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Strategy components of the EC Australia Partnership, where she has supported the development, implementation, and evaluation of national hepatitis C health promotion campaigns alongside key partners.
Ms Amanda Cochrane
Cns1 Dbs/poct

Point of Care Testing for Hepatitis C in Adult Correctional Centres in New South Wales

11:00 AM - 11:05 AM

Abstract (.pdf)

Digital Poster (pdf.)


My name is Amanda Cochrane and I have worked for Justice Health NSW for over 20 years. I am currently the CNS for Point of Care Testing across all adult correctional centers in NSW.
Ms Anna Doab
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Kirketon Road Centre

A comparison of SVR4 and SVR12 attendance and loss to follow up among clients of the Kirketon Road Centre (krc), a primary healthcare service for marginalised people in Kings Cross, Sydney, Australia.

11:05 AM - 11:10 AM

Abstract (.pdf)

Digital Poster (pdf.)


Anna Doab is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Hepatitis C, having worked in the area since the days of interferon. Anna is committed to the elimination of hepatitis C and is part of a team that provides comprehensive PHC services through outreach and partnerships with peer and non government organisations.
Dr Samira Hosseini-Hooshyar
Clinical Project Coordinator
Unsw / Kirby Institute

A point-of-care intervention to improve hepatitis C diagnosis and treatment uptake among people attending Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services: the SCALE-C study

11:10 AM - 11:15 AM

Abstract (.pdf)

Digital Poster (pdf.)


Samira has completed her PhD in clinical Epidemiology with a focus on HIV and Hepatitis C co-infection and now works as a clinical project coordinator at Kirby Institute UNSW


Mel Rhagnath
Program Manager
