Abstracts 15: What’s hot: New technologies, tools, medicines and commodities - Bugs
Track 3
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 |
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM |
Collaroy |
Mr Michael Traeger
Research Fellow
Burnet Institute
Potential impact and efficiency of doxyPEP prescribing strategies for reducing syphilis incidence among gay and bisexual men in Australia
8:30 AM - 8:42 AMBiography
Michael is post-doctoral research officer in the HIV and STI Prevention Group at the Burnet Institute, and a research fellow at the Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School, with a focus on HIV and STI epidemiology and prevention in gay and bisexual men.
Dr Erica Plummer
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Monash University
The contribution of the vaginal microbiota to bacterial vaginosis recurrence following first-line antibiotics
8:42 AM - 8:54 AMBiography
Dr Erica Plummer is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Bioinformatician with the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and the Central Clinical School at Monash University. Erica’s research focuses on characterising the contribution of the genital microbiome to common genital infections and STI syndromes including bacterial vaginosis and urethritis.
Dr Ranjit Samra
Monash Health
Treating Mycoplasma genitalium Infection with a Sitafloxacin Regimen in the Context of Increased Resistance
8:54 AM - 9:06 AMBiography
Ranjit is a dual-training ID and Sexual Health Registrar at Alfred Health, Melbourne. This year he is working as an ID Research Fellow, part of which is with the HIV Cure Team.
Dr Emily Clarke
Sexual Health Registrar
Sexual Health Victoria
Dr Arthur Wong
Staff Specialist Sexual Health
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Empirical treatment of symptomatic men who have sex with men associated with significant unnecessary ceftriaxone use – a retrospective study of antibiotic prescription among sexual health clinic attendees
9:18 AM - 9:30 AMBiography
Dr Arthur Wong is a Staff Specialist in Sexual Health working at Sydney Sexual Health Centre. He is also undertaking a PhD at the Kirby Institute studying novel molecular diagnostic testing for chlamydia & gonorrhoea.
Ms Hayley Wareing
Senior Policy Analyst, HIV & STI Policy team, centre for Population Health
NSW Ministry Of Health
Dr Jacob Tickner
Adjunct Research Fellow
UQ Centre for Clinical Research, The University of Queensland
Potential for selection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae ceftriaxone resistance using Doxy-PEP – the need for enhanced antimicrobial resistance surveillance.
9:35 AM - 9:47 AMBiography
Jacob is an EMCR based at the UQ Centre for Clinical Research in Brisbane, focusing on the development and implementation of novel molecular detection technologies for infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. His work aims to improve clinical diagnostics, particularly resistance-guided treatment approaches, and enhance disease surveillance.
Catriona Bradshaw
Staff Specialist
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Cara Taheny
Nurse Practitioner - Sexual Health