Abstracts 2: Reimagining our SRH systems, services and care - Point of Care Testing
Track 2
Monday, September 18, 2023 |
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Freshwater & Queenscliff |
Ms Louise Causer
Senior Research Fellow
Kirby Institute, UNSW
Clinical effectiveness, sustainability and quality of a large, decentralised molecular point-of-care testing network for STIs in regional and remote primary care clinics in Australia
11:00 AM - 11:12 AMBiography
Louise is a medical epidemiologist and senior lecturer at the Kirby Institute. Her research focuses on the implementation and evaluation of infectious diseases point-of-care diagnostics. Louise co-leads TTANGO3 (STI) and contributes to the First Nations Respiratory Infections POCT programs implemented in predominantly rural and remote health services in Australia.
Ms Sara Bell
PhD Student
The University of Queensland
Vending machines can increase access to HIV testing for diverse groups at risk of HIV and STI: facilitators for use and additional opportunities
11:12 AM - 11:24 AMBiography
Sara has worked in the sexual and reproductive health sector for almost 25 years. Her diverse experience spans the disciplines of nursing, policy, and research. She holds a Master of Public Health and is currently a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of Queensland's Centre for Clinical Research.
Mr Stephen Boccaletti
Senior Program Officer - Syphilis
WA Dept Of Health
Ms Cara Taheny
Nurse Practitioner - Sexual Health
Nurse Practitioner led PrEP and STI testing at a MSM sex on premises venue
11:36 AM - 11:48 AMBiography
Cara's a Nurse Practitioner. Originally from Adelaide, SA, Cara has worked rural/remote in NSW & WA as well as in the cities of Adelaide & Perth. Cara has completed a Masters of Nurse Practitioner; Graduate Diploma in Primary Health Care; Graduate Certificate in Sexual Health & Bachelor of Nursing degrees.
Daile Kelleher
Children By Choice
Lenka Vodstrcil
Senior Research Fellow
Monash University