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Session D: HCV testing and diagnosis

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Central 2 & 3


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Phillippe Duneton

Innovations in the viral hepatitis response

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM



Philippe is Unitaid’s Deputy Executive Director A French national, Philippe has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of HIV/AIDS, infectious and tropical diseases and public health. Philippe has been working at Unitaid for 10 years, and played an instrumental role in the creation of Unitaid in 2006. Previously, he was a practicing Doctor at Hospital “La Pitié Salpétrière” in Paris (Infections Diseases Department) and was twice advisor for the French Ministry of Health, Minister Bernard Kouchner. He was the head of the Mission against HIV/AIDS and harm reduction for l’Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and also heads the French regulatory agency for medicines and health products. He chaired the Board of the European Medicines Agency. Philippe holds a Master’s degree in Public Health and is a Doctor.
Neliswa Gogela
University of Cape Town/ Groote Schuur Hospital

Hepatitis C: virology, transmission and clinical presentations

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM



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Pr Karine Lacombe
Professor - Infectious and tropical diseases
Saint-Antoine Hospital

Diagnostics and point-of-care technologies to enhance HCV testing and treatment

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM



Karine Lacombe, M.D ,PhD, is an infectious diseases specialist whose main focuses in clinical practice, teaching and research are HIV and chronic hepatitis. Dr Lacombe grew in the French Alps where she completed her undergraduate studies at Grenoble Science University(UniversitéJosephFourier). She graduated from Pierreet Marie Curie Medical University in Paris and completed her residency in St Antoine Hospital, Paris and St André Hospital, Bordeaux. ln 2006, she completed her PhD in Epidemiology on HIV1hepatitis B coinfection and the determinants of liver fibrosis evolution. She became an associate Professor in Infectious Diseases in 2007. Teaching is one of her main interests and besides teaching to medical student in diverse French universities, she has taken part and organised several teaching workshops in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Recent publications include results of trials in HIV and hepatitis C coinfection as well as natural and on treatment history of hepatitis B in HIV infected patients. As a testimony to her high expertise in HIV and viral hepatitis infections, she is a member of several guidelines panels and advisory boards (WHO, EACS, UNAIDS, EASL, FIND, Medicine Patent Pool). She is the peer reviewer for several high IF journals such as Lancet Infectious Diseases, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology or Clinical Infectious Diseases. She holds a professorship position Sorbonne Universite Medical School and is the head of the Infectious Diseases Department in St Antoine Hospital, Paris.
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Professor Jason Grebely
The Kirby Institute, UNSW

Strategies to enhance HCV testing and linkage to care for HCV infection

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM



Jason Grebely is a Professor in the Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program at the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney in Australia.

Questions & Discussion

3:15 PM - 3:45 PM



Simnikiwe Mayaphi
University of Pretoria

Sonjelle Shilton
