Closing Plenary

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Room 1&2


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Hiero Badge
Australian Human Rights Commission

Mapping threats to trans and gender diverse human rights in Australia

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM


Hiero Badge(they/them) is a researcher based in Naarm(Melbourne). Prior to joining the Australian Human Rights Commission, they worked in the public health sector as a freelancer for state, national and international CSOs and provided pro-bono policy advice to a community-controlled health organisation. Before that, they lectured and taught at several universities in the areas of philosophy, criminology, and literary theory. They joined the Commission in December 2023 to lead a national project mapping threats to TGD human rights and to assist the SOGII team.
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Mx Ruby Mountford
SOGII Advisor
Australian Human Rights Commission

Mapping threats to trans and gender diverse human rights in Australia

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM


Ruby Mountford(they/them) is an ardent advocate for LGBTIQA+ and Disability rights and works at the Australian Human Rights Commission as the Specialist Advisor on SOGII (sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex) rights. Their experience in this space has encompassed a broad range of roles and sectors, including LGBTIQA+ peer research into the lived experiences of LGBTIQA+ individuals with disabilities, leading and supporting grassroots advocacy through Melbourne Bisexual Network and Joy Media’s Triple Bi Pass, and contributing to international human rights campaigns.
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Senator Louise Pratt

Stepping Out and Stepping Up: Senator Louise Pratt speaks on community, leadership and change

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM


As one of the first openly LGBTQIA+ politicians to be elected to public office in Australia, at both state and commonwealth levels, Senator Pratt is driven by a passion for equality and inclusion. In 2001, after many years of campaigning with Gay and Lesbian Equality WA, and as a Member of Parliament in the Gallop Labor Government, she played a significant role in the introduction of comprehensive LGBTI law reform. The reforms included relationship recognition, reproductive rights, discrimination law, equal consent laws and adoption rights. As a Federal Senator Louise worked over many years to successfully influence policy and law for our community in many key areas, including gender identity recognition, discrimination, relationship recognitions, HIV, global human rights, safe schools, and marriage equality. Louise is currently a co-convenor of Parliamentary friends of LGBTIQ+ Australian’s whose work has included elevating the voices of Intersex and young transgender Australians in the Australian Parliament. Currently, as Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Group for Ending HIV, STIs and Other Blood Bourne Viruses and a member of the National HIV Taskforce, Senator Pratt has consistently highlighted the impact of discrimination on communities affected by HIV. Senator Pratt works closely with the LGBTIQ+ community and is a strong believer in the difference that our visibility and participation makes to our community and in all areas of political life.
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Mr James Zanotto
Director Policy, Research And Communications
Lgbtiq+ Health Australia


3:15 PM - 3:20 PM


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Nicky Bath
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia

Closing Remarks

3:20 PM - 3:25 PM


Nicky Bath is currently the CEO of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (formerly National LGBTI Health Alliance) the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities. Nicky has worked in the NSW Ministry of Health as the Manager of the Harm Reduction and Viral Hepatitis Branch as well as several senior positions at ACON, AIVL the national drug user organisation and the National Health Service (UK). Nicky is committed to advancing the health and human rights of marginalised communities.
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Carolyn Gillespie
LGBTIQ Health Australia

Closing Remarks

3:25 PM - 3:30 PM


Carolyn is a social worker, intersectional feminist and human rights advocate with more than 20years’ experience in healthcare and social justice. She has worked in a range of senior leadership roles across paediatric, adult and LGBTIQ+ community-controlled health services, and has been a member of the LHA board since 2020. Carolyn is passionate about addressing the health, social and structural inequities that impact on LGBTIQ+ people’s capacity to fully participate in the communities in which they live, love, learn and play. Carolyn has provided expert advice on a range of health-related issues to numerous government inquiries, health service reviews and special interest panels, including her current membership of the federal government’s LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing 10 Year National Action Plan Expert Advisory Group (EAG). She regularly participates in a broader advocacy platform that addresses stigma and discrimination through her involvement in a variety of key working groups and networks. Carolyn is committed to excellence in evidence-based service delivery and she is also an active advocate for strategic and systemic change that strengthens the health and wellbeing of the entire LGBTIQ+ community.
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Sweet Az and the Jam

Musical Performance

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM


Sweet Az and the Jam are a musical duo who formed in 2023 after singing together as members of Canberra Qwire. They both proudly identify as lesbians and have found a wonderful sense of community through connecting with other LGBTIQ+ people through music.


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Carolyn Gillespie
LGBTIQ Health Australia
