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Saturday Poster Tour 03

Saturday, July 22, 2023
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
Posters 15 - 18


Dr Joanne Carson
Infectious disease and data scientist
Kirby Institute, UNSW

Sexual and drug use risk behaviour trajectories among people treated for recent HCV infection: The REACT study

10:45 AM - 10:50 AM

Abstract PDF


Joanne has completed a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Public Health. She is currently undertaking her PhD and is interested in applying novel statistical methods and machine learning to analyse health data.
Ms Tara Crim
Programs Manager
Hepatitis ACT

Reach, Teach, Treat, Thrive: The evolution of a hepatitis C model of care.

10:50 AM - 10:55 AM

Abstract PDF


Tara Crim is the Programs Manager for Hepatitis ACT, a non-for-profit working to help prevent hepatitis transmission in the community and reduce the impacts for people affected by it. Tara oversees Hepatitis ACT's hepatitis C point of care testing program.
Ms Kelly Maynard
Mathematical Modeller
Burnet Institute

Micro-elimination in Cairns by 2030: A modelling study to demonstrate the impact of Cairns Hep C Free program.

10:55 AM - 11:00 AM

Abstract PDF


Kelly Maynard is a mathematical modeller at the Burnet Institiute. She previously completed her Bachelor of Science (Honours) in applied mathematics at Monash University. She is passionate about using mathematics in collaborative research to improve global health outcomes. Currently her work focusses on modelling Hepatitis C elimination projects in Australia.


Anna Pierce
Infectious Diseases Physician
Monash Health & Alfred Health
