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Wednesday, November 15, 2023
3:45 PM - 4:35 PM
Hall L


Dr Sandra Sunjic
Manager Partnerships & Community Projects
Drug & Alcohol Service, SESLHD

Together we do it better: Chronic pain and prescription opioid dependence - specialist services working with GPs and their patients.

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Abstract PDF


Dr Sandra Sunjic - A/Deputy Director, D&A Services, SESLHD. Has worked in the D&A field for over 30 years (clinician, in management, research/evaluation, development and implementation new services/programs) in hospitals, community, custodial settings & court diversion. Awarded inaugural Tedd Noffs Award 1999, Excellence in outstanding contribution as individual D&A field.
Dr Krista Monkhouse
Drug & Alcohol Clinical Services, Hunter New England

Paediatric Assessment Clinic for Drug & Alcohol Clinical Services: PAC4DACS

4:00 PM - 4:05 PM

Abstract PDF


Dr Krista Monkhouse is a Staff Specialist Paediatrician with Child, Youth and Family Services at HNELHD Drug & Alcohol Clinical Services. Initially supporting the start up of the Youth Drug & Alcohol Service, there is now scope to offer increased Paediatric Services to this vulnerable population.
Ms Bronwyn Hendry
Chief Executive Officer
Directions Health Services Ltd

‘Chat to PAT’ (Pathways to Assistance and Treatment): The ACT’s mobile health outreach clinic for marginalised Canberrans

4:05 PM - 4:10 PM

Abstract PDF


Bronwyn Hendry is CEO of Directions Health Services, a not-for-profit organisation providing AOD harm reduction, primary health and mental health services. Bronwyn is passionate about developing innovative service models that improve access and health outcomes for marginalised population groups, including people with co-occurring conditions and complex needs.
Dr Peter Gates
Postgraduate Research Fellow

Increasing our understanding of alcohol and other drug use and harms on Norfolk Island

4:10 PM - 4:25 PM

Abstract PDF


Dr Gates has worked in the AOD field since 2002. He leads the Communities stream of the SUSTAIN program ("SUSTAINable uptake of evidence to reduce harms from alcohol and other drugs in rural and regional NSW”). This work seeks to identify communities interested in reducing AOD harms and support them to implement and evaluate best-evidence AOD strategies using a novel approach to co-design.
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Professor Lisa Wood
University Of Notre Dame

“It's not just about teeth”: supporting AOD recovery and improving client wellbeing through access to oral healthcare

4:25 PM - 4:30 PM

Abstract PDF


Professor Lisa Wood is recognised nationally and internationally for her leadership in the homelessness and health field and for her work to reduce health inequalities. In 2017, she founded the Home2Health research team and leads its growing program of innovative, multidisciplinary research and evaluation.


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Craig Rodgers
Senior Staff Specialist
St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney

Technical Host

Room One
