Afternoon Session 6
Saturday, February 11, 2023 |
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
Positive Panel: Aging with HIV & Closing Plenary
14:00 - 15:00 | Positive Panel: Aging with HIV, Panel Discussion
14:00 - 16:00 | Closing plenary: HIV and Ageing – designing person centered services for the future, Doctor Tristan Barber
Holly Barnett
Test Session
Clint Dowdell
Positive Panel: Aging with HIV - Moderator
A true creative who loves to tell stories, Clint is currently studying film at SAE. In his time there he has created films that challenge stigma and social norms surrounding the queer lived experience and HIV, including Silent Hero, String Theory and his documentary H.I.ME. It's his mission to make people feel connection and acceptance through heartfelt stories and compelling drama. He has been an actor, makeup artist and now an advocate.
Mr Vic Perri
Health Promotion Officer
Living Positive Victoria
Vic has been living with HIV for 35 years and has worked in HIV Health Promotion and Peer Support for 27 of those years. He has previously worked with VAC/GMHC (now Thorne Harbour Health) and the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society (ARCSHS). He is currently a Health Promotion Officer at Living Positive Victoria and provides general information and guidance on the management of HIV that includes peer support, treatments as well as education and training. His focus however is Ageing. In partnership with Thorne Harbour Health, he co-coordinates the Taking Charge project for people with HIV 50 years of age and up. Its members can connect through the Peer Support Network’s monthly social/health promotion events as well as gain self-management skills with the Positive Self-Management Program based on the Stanford model. For more information,
Mr David Menadue
Special Representative
National Association of People with HIV Australia
Positive Panel: Aging with HIV - Panellist
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
David Menadue has lived with HIV since 1984 and has been public about his status since the late 1980s when there was considerable fear about HIV transmission in the community and concern about repercussions if you identified as being HIV-positive. David helped establish and later became President of People with HIV/AIDS Victoria in 1990 (now Living Positive Victoria) and helped establish the National Association of People with HIV to try to educate the mainstream community about the true facts about HIV and to offer support for people diagnosed with the virus. He has continued to advocate on HIV issues ever since in the mainstream and HIV press. He has had multiple governance roles with state and national HIV organisations and was recently a Board member of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, In 2020 he became an Ambassador for Elder Rights Advocacy in Victoria and a contributor to the national Older Persons Advocacy Network.
David’s current interests include the ageing issues of people living with HIV (plhiv) and how quality care and support can be provided to them, regardless of which communities that might be attached to, David has addressed numerous conferences on ageing issues for plhiv both nationally and internationally.
Ms Melissa Briffa
HIV Clinical Nurse Consultant
Bolton Clarke
Positive Panel: Aging with HIV - Panellist
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Melissa has been a Clinical Nurse Consultant with The Bolton Clarke HIV Team for 5 years. The HIV team is based within the Homeless Persons Program and funded by the Sexual Health and Viral Hepatitis Section, Public Health Division of the Victorian Department of Health. Within the HIV team, Melissa provides and coordinates nursing care, support and health promotion to PLHIV living in the community. She also educates nurses and community workers about HIV.
Melissa also has experience working as a Clinical Manager in various aged care facilities including community and correctional health, with over 15 years’ experience. She has undertaken post graduate studies in aged care, emergency nursing and immunisation.
Melissa has a strong interest in helping PLHIV particularly older people and long term survivors improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
Dr David Griffin
Infectious Diseases Physician
Alfred Health
Positive Panel: Aging with HIV - Panellist
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Dr David Griffin
BBiomedSc, BSc (Hons), MBBS (Hons), MPH, FRACP
David works as an Infectious Diseases Physician at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, and has been actively involved in the COVID-19 response, as the COVID Clinical Services lead. He teaches in the MD and MPH programs at Monash University.
He is actively involved in the care of people living with HIV in an ambulatory and inpatient setting, at the Victorian HIV service. He is a current PhD candidate at Monash University.
Russell Westacott
Positive Panel: Aging with HIV - Panellist
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Over the last decade, Russell led Seniors Rights Service (SRS) as CEO. SRS provides legal, aged care advocacy and education and awareness-raising services, reaching over 40,000 older people in NSW each year. It also plays an integral role in systemic policy advocacy at both state and national levels. Under Russell’s guidance, SRS rebranded and almost tripled in size and service reach. In addition, he actively participated in the United Nations process to advocate for an international convention on the rights of older people and played key roles in establishing two national peak bodies: the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) and Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA).
Russell has 35 years experience across HIV and aged rights organisations. In his early career, Russell focused on supporting some of the most vulnerable people in the LGBTIQ+ community. He held senior roles at ACON in Sydney and Gay Men’s Health Crisis in New York, developing educational campaigns and lobbying government on critical issues with community partners. Driving health promotion campaigns across Australia, Russell worked with peak bodies, such as the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, the National Association of People with HIV/AIDS and, more recently, with LGBTIQ+ Health Australia.
Russell holds several board roles, including Co-chair of EAAA, National Council Member of National Seniors Australia, Advisory Board Member of the NSW Ageing and Disability Commission and is an active participant of the Global Alliance of the Rights of Older People. He has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of NSW, majoring in sociology, political science and international relations.
He now runs Auxilia, providing a professional helping hand to leaders of smaller not-for-profits.
Dr Tristan Barber
Consultant Physician in HIV Medicine
Ian Charleson Day Centre, Royal Free Hospital
HIV and Ageing – designing person centred services for the future
3:00 PM - 4:00 PMBiography
Dr Tristan Barber MA MD FRCP is a Consultant Physician in HIV Medicine at the Ian Charleson Day Centre, Royal Free Hospital, and Honorary Associate Professor at the Institute for Global Health, University College London. He a British HIV Association (BHIVA) Trustee and Executive Committee member, as well as Chair of the BHIVA Education and Scientific Subcommittee and Chair of the Board of Trustees for the peer support charity Positively UK. He established and leads on a dedicated frailty service for ageing patients with HIV infection (The Sage Clinic). He is an Associate Editor for the BMJ journal ‘STI’ and a Joint Editor for ‘HIV Research and Clinical Practice’. He is passionate about supporting global HIV educational and research programmes and is Chair of the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) Young Investigatory Network (YING).
Mel Kelly
Staff Specialist
The Albion Centre
Mark O'Reilly
East Sydney Doctors
Q&A Tablet
Q&A 1
Q&A 2
Touchpoint Touchpoint
Holly Barnett
Erica Zarins