HIV&AIDS Proffered Paper Session: Epidemiology, Prevention & Health Promotion
Behavioural research
Care and support programs
Health services and systems
Priority populations
Public health
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Stigma and discrimination
Tuesday, August 30, 2022 |
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Minyama 1 |
Q&A Discussion
Q&A Discussion- HIV&AIDS Proffered Paper Session: Epidemiology, Prevention and Health Promotion
Mr Dean Cassano
Research Assistant
Burnet Institute
Ageing Well with HIV: Psychosocial Concerns and Needs Among People Living with HIV aged 50+ in Australia
11:00 AM - 11:12 AMBiography
Dean joined Burnet as a research assistant in January 2021 to support the project ‘Ageing Well with HIV’ which focused on addressing the psychosocial and health needs of PLHIV aged 50+ through a new online platform. Following the platform's launch and handover to the partner organisation, Dean moved into Burnet's International Development discipline, working as a International Health Project Officer on health system strengthening, HIV and reproductive health programs.
Dr Jerram Bateman
Research Fellow
University Of Otago
Late Presentation of HIV Among Adults in Aotearoa New Zealand
11:12 AM - 11:24 AMBiography
Dr Jerram Bateman is a Research Fellow with the AIDS Epidemiology Group based at the University of Otago, New Zealand. The Group is responsible for the ongoing surveillance of HIV and AIDS in New Zealand, under contract with the Ministry of Health
A/Prof Peter Saxton
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa Fellow
University of Auckland, New Zealand
When COVID-19 Threatens HIV Research: Innovations From Spots and How we Pivoted our National In-Person Study Online
11:24 AM - 11:36 AMBiography
Peter is an Associate Professor of Public Health at the University of Auckland. He designed Aotearoa New Zealand's HIV bio-behavioural surveillance system among men who have sex with men, and leads studies into HIV prevention, health equity for sexual orientation minorities and blood donation policy.
Dr Ranjit Samra
Monash Health
nPEP Prescriptions Pre- and Post- Introduction of PrEP, and the Changing Characteristics of Those Accessing it; Findings From a Sexual Health Clinic in Melbourne, Australia, 2011-2021
11:36 AM - 11:48 AMBiography
Sexual Health Registrar at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre who has completed the RACP physician exams and intends on dual-training with Infectious Diseases.
Mr Nigel Carrington
Dbs Project Coordinator
NSW Health
Increasing the Reach and Effectiveness of HIV Testing: Outcomes of Online Registration for the NSW DBS Pilot Study - A Client-Centred Alternative to Traditional Health Care
11:48 AM - 11:53 AMBiography
Nigel is State-wide Coordinator of the NSW HIV and Hepatitis C Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Pilot Project. His work in Community Health, Youth Health/Youth Cancer and Sexual Health has involved senior positions in health promotion, service development, service management and project coordination.
Professor Jason Ong
Sexual Health Physician
Monash University
Missed Opportunities for HIV Testing Among Those Tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
11:53 AM - 11:58 AMBiography
A/Prof Dr. Jason Ong is an academic sexual health specialist and health economist based at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. His research focuses on economic evaluations and demand creation strategies to improve the uptake of HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and management services.
Adam Bourne
Associate Professor
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
Melissa Warner
Chief Executive Officer
Queensland Positive People