Joint Conference Plenary
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 |
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
Minyama 1&2 |
Dr Skye McGregor
Epidemiologist, Lead Surveillance Innovation Group
Kirby Institute
Levinia Crooks Emerging Leader Award Acceptance
9:15 AM - 9:30 AMBiography
Dr Skye McGregor is an epidemiologist whose work focuses on surveillance and prevention of sexually transmissible infections and blood borne viruses. She leads production of the national sexually transmissible infections and blood borne viruses annual surveillance reports for Australia. These reports provide a comprehensive analysis of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia.
Mr Alexis Apostolellis
Announcement of Levinia Crooks Emerging Leader Award (2021 Winner)
9:10 AM - 9:15 AMBiography
Commissioner Todd Fernando
Commissioner For Lgbtiq+ Communities
Victorian Government
What's Up With Intersectionality: Reflections, Advocacy, And The Future
9:30 AM - 10:00 AMBiography
Todd Fernando is a descendant of the Kalarie peoples of the Wiradjuri nation, and identifies as queer with pronouns he/him. Todd is the Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities - the second person to fill this ground-breaking position. In this role, Todd provides high-level strategic advice to the Victorian Government on the development of policies, services and programs to meet the needs of LGBTIQ+ communities. Todd is a leading expert in reforming social policy and cultural safety frameworks in public and private sectors across Australia. Todd is recognised as a strategic thought leader, with a commitment to improving outcomes and opportunities for all Australians.
Dr Valerie Delpech
Head Of Communicable Diseases
NSW Health
Aiming for elimination, Living with endemicity
10:00 AM - 10:30 AMBiography
Valérie is a public health physician and currently Director of the Communicable Diseases Branch at NSW Health. She was Head of HIV at Public Health England (UKHSA) from 2005-2021. In close collaboration with researchers, clinicians and civil society, for the past 2 decades, Valerie’s work has focussed on understanding the impact of HIV, other BBVs and STIs and driving policy change to reduce these in diverse communities.
Professor Helen Marshall
Professor In Vaccinology
The University of Adelaide
Killing 2 cocci with 1 vaccine
10:30 AM - 11:00 AMBiography
Professor Marshall AM is a clinician researcher and NHMRC Practitioner Fellow with specialist training in child health, public health and vaccinology. She is Professor and Consultant in Vaccinology in the Adelaide Medical School and the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, South Australia. Her research program is focused on generating real world evidence for immunisation policy. She was awarded the SA Science Award for Excellence in Research for the Public Good, the SA Science Award for Excellence in research collaboration and a Member of the Order of Australia in 2022. She is the 2022 SA Australian of the Year and SA Woman of the Year.
Eric Chow
Associate Professor
Monash University
Edwina Wright
Senior Specialist
Alfred Health