HIV&AIDS Proffered Paper Session: Clinical Management & Therapeutics
Behavioural research
Clinical sciences
Priority populations
Public health
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM |
Minyama 2 |
Q&A Discussion
Ms Jodie D'Costa
Medical Scientist
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory
Prevalence of Transmitted Drug Resistance in ART-Naïve Individuals With Recent HIV Infection in Victoria Between 2010 and 2021
11:30 AM - 11:42 AMBiography
Jodie is a medical scientist working in the HIV Characterisation Laboratory at VIDRL in the Doherty Institute. She has an interest in molecular diagnostics and the impacts of HIV drug resistance on public health.
Ms Warittha Tieosapjaroen
PhD candidate
Central Clinical School, Monash University
Ms Shannon Woodward
Nurse Practitioner
Canberra Sexual Health Centre
Screening for Anal Cancer - Getting Better All the Time
11:54 AM - 12:06 PMBiography
Shannon has worked in sexual health and HIV for 20 years and completed her nurse practitioner training in 2010. She has worked at Canberra Sexual Health Centre as a NP since. Shannon is President of the Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association and is also an ASHM Clinical Advisor.
Dr Tobias Vickers
Advanced Trainee Sexual Health Medicine
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
HIV-1 Subtypes and Baseline Transmitted Drug Resistance in People Living with Newly Diagnosed HIV at a Metropolitan Sexual Health Clinic
12:06 PM - 12:18 PMBiography
Dr Tobias Vickers studied medicine at Flinders University with experiences across urban and regional centres. He then pivoted to Sexual Health research at the Kirby Institute and completed training as a General Practitioner. He is currently an Advanced Trainee in Sexual Health Medicine at Sydney Sexual Health Centre.
A/Prof Adam Bourne
Associate Professor
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
Evidence of Considerable HIV Prevention and Care Need Among a Large Sample of Bisexual Men: Findings From the 5-Country Asia-Pacific MSM Internet Survey
12:18 PM - 12:30 PMBiography
Dr Adam Bourne is Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University where he leads a large program of HIV and LGBTIQ health research.
Nathan Ryder
Sexual health physician
HNE Sexual Health
Kuong Taing
Sunshine Coast Sexual Health and HIV Service