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Plenary 3 - Proffered Paper Abstract Plenary

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Grand Lodge (Level 1)


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Prof Martin Holt
Centre for Social Research in Health

Cascades For Hiv Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Eligibility And Use By Australian Gay And Bisexual Men

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM


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Professor Martin Holt has worked at the Centre for Social Research in Health since 2001. He leads the Gay Community Periodic Surveys and the PrEPARE Project. His research is currently focused on the social and community impact of biomedical prevention.
Dr Angie Pinto
Infectious Disease Physician
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital/ The Kirby Institute

Characteristics Associated With Hiv-1 Transmission Clusters In New South Wales’

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM


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Angie Pinto is an Infectious diseases physician and clinical microbiology. She has established a statewide HIV drug resistance database in NSW and is completing her PhD with the Kirby Institute
Mr Laimena Wilo Muwadda
Research Associate
University Of Sydney

Arguing for the Greater and Meaningful Involvement of Indigenous Australians Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA & MIPA): a Literature Review

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM


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Wilo Muwadda has worked over 20 years for Indigenous HIV and AIDS and is a community activist for Indigenous Australians living with HIV/AIDS and affected populations. He is currently working for the University of Sydney as an academic and sits on IIWGHA, ILGA - Oceana and the Anwernekenhe National Alliance.
Dr Lisa Fitzgerald
Senior Lecturer
University Of Queensland

“The Pill Just Makes You Invisible”: Living Positive In Queensland In Time Of Biomedical Prevention

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM


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Dr Lisa Fitzgerald is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Health, University of Queensland. Her research interests include the social determinants of sexual health, HIV social research and the social determinants of health as a threshold concept in public health teaching and learning.
Ms Rebecca Bosworth
Phd Candidate, Registered Nurse
National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, University Of New South Wales

Leave No One Behind: HIV Testing, Treatment And AIDS-Related Mortality Among People In Prison

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM


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Rebecca Bosworth is a PhD candidate at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW. Rebecca's doctoral thesis focuses on harm reduction in prisons globally. She also works as a Registered nurse for Justice Health. Her research interests include prisoner health, harm reduction and HIV/Hepatitis prevention among drug injecting prisoners.
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Dr Simone Herbert
North Coast Sexual Health Service

Characteristics Of Individuals With Heterosexually- Acquired Compared With Homosexually- Acquired HIV And Implications For Clinical Practice.

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


Speaker Presentation


Simone is a fellow of the RACGP and Trainee in Sexual Health Medicine. She is currently working at RPA Sexual Health, Sydney.
Mr Orion Tong
Westmead Institute For Medical Research

Characterising The Responses Of ‘Bona-Fide’ Plasmacytoid And Axl+ Siglec6+ Dendritic Cells In Initial HIV Infection

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM



Orion is currently a research assistant at the Centre for Virus Research at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research. His work focuses on examining the early innate immune response to HIV, particularly those driven by type I interferons.
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Dr Bethany Horsburgh
Early Career Researcher
The Westmead Institute for Medical Research

The Genetic Traits Of Full-Length HIV Sequenced From Memory T Cell Subsets

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM


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Speaker Presentation


Bethany is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Virus Research, Westmead Institute for Medical Research. Her research uses single copy assays and high-throughput sequencing to explore the HIV reservoir.


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Robert Mitchell
Special Representative
National Association of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA) Representative

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Christy Newman
Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney
