Poster Tour - Themes C&D
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 |
12:55 PM - 1:25 PM |
Mr Michael Whelan
Priority Populations Health Educator
Thorne Harbour Health
Dude, Where’s My Prep? In Celebrating Prep On The PBS, Who Gets A Raw Deal?
12:55 PM - 1:00 PMBiography
Michael and Warwick are volunteer community PrEP advocates and activists. Through PAN [PrEPaccessNOW] they have supported Australian PrEP users since 2015 in accessing evidence-based and per supported information, as well as supporting access to PrEP for those unable to afford it.
Dr Jillian Lau
Infectious Diseases Physician
Doherty Institute
Community and Provider Attitudes Towards Treatment Interruptions in HIV Cure Trials
1:00 PM - 1:05 PMBiography
Jillian Lau is an Infectious Diseases Physician who has an interest in HIV cure research, in particular antiretroviral treatment interruptions in HIV cure clinical trials. She is completing a PhD exploring social and clinical research into HIV cure.
Mr Adrian Ludlam
Policy & Science Manager
New Zealand Aids Foundation
How Can A Non-Government Organisation Track Its Progress Towards [Ending HIV] In The Absence Of Behavioural Surveillence?
1:05 PM - 1:10 PMBiography
Adrian has been working in sexual health research for seven years and becoming the Policy & Science Manager for the New Zealand AIDS Foundation in 2016. He is also undertaking his PhD in Population Health at the University of Auckland.
Ms Jolie Hutchinson
Kirby Institute
Mx Brent Allan
Public Health Consultant
Qthink Consulting
Partners of People Living with HIV (PLHIV): Findings from the Positive Perspectives Survey.
1:15 PM - 1:20 PMBiography
Brent Allan occupies senior advisory positions focusing on programs and policy for both ASHM and for the International Council of AIDS Service Organisations. He’s also the civil society representative to the International AIDS Society’s Industry Liaison Forum and the Australian Commonwealths’ Ministerial Advisory Committee on Blood Borne Viruses.